Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Removal: Big Dog Supervises

Hey Snow Lovers!  Yours truly, Big Dog, sporting my special blue snowcap, will supervise my pal Marcus in his snow removal activities.                                                     
 Let's go fetch the big red snow machine....right this way!

 This little shed is the home of the big red snow machine, and by the way, my favorite hideaway.

 I have inspected this machine, and it's ready to go!

 Come on , Marcus, fire this baby up!

 Hey Big Dog, how am I doing?

 Check out these moves!

Hey Marcus, don't remove that mailbox!

 Hug that corner......Brruuummmmmm!!!

 "Excuse me, Big Dog", says my pal Marcus. "Can we have a milk and cookie break?

Oops!  That was a long break. Glad Marcus can see in the twilight. Night falls early here during the Maine winter.  More very soon, Peace & Love & Hugs  BIG DOG!!

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! I am sending this to all my friends in Florida, so they can remember what snow looks like!
