Saturday, April 16, 2011

Big Dog's Big Maple Sugar Tour

Sniff, sniff, what's that smell?  I smell maple sugar in the air!  It must be the sap rising in the maple trees. Hey Marcus and Miss Mary, let's jump in the car and check out "Maine Maple Sunday." I bet we'll find lots of great treats to eat at the sugar houses!"

So we all headed north to Newfield, Maine where there's lots of maple sugar houses taking part in this special open house event. On the way up we came upon the "Irish Maple Sugar House."  Let's follow the big yellow arrow. Excuse me, who let that dog out?

 Just inside the house there is a big tub of maple sap cooking away. I LOVE that smell! The maple sugar guy explains to my blue-capped friend Marcus all about the process. There is a wood fired stove under this "evaporator" boiling the water out of the sap which makes all this steam. After a while the water is boiled away leaving maple syrup. YUMMM!!!

Here is the wood burning inside the cast iron stove under the evaporator. Looks hot in there!

All the sweet smelling sap is rising up through the special vents in the roof. Check out the old sap buckets on the rafters.

Here is a rear view of the sugar house. Notice the steam escaping from the roof. The tubes going into the building carry the sap directly from the trees. Not too many syrup producers use the metal sap buckets anymore.

And who is just aroung the corner? The Ice Cream Lady!  Handing out free samples with maple syrup on top!

Hmmm, can't wait to taste this!  Thanks Ice Cream Lady!  Please give some to Marcus too!

Wherever we go Miss Mary Byrom records the action with her sketchpad and pen. I love her sketches!

 Wow, look at these old farm tractors. I sure would like to take one for a spin!

Oh, these are here for the children to play on. No problem!  Please let me join you.  Whoopie!!

Our next stop was "Sugar Hill" maple products. See the wood all neatly stacked and ready to cook the sap.

This sugar house has big tall chimneys to let off the steam.  Please allow me to sniff. Heavenly!  This is a very happy day for my nose!!

 Here is the big shiny evaporator at "Thurston & Peters" sugar house.  Marcus is being a real good tour guide today!

 I love being in the middle of the action!

We met Bob "the Lineman" who checks the tubing that brings the sap from the trees to the sugar house. Sometimes the squirrels or deer chew into the tubing to get at the sweet sap and he has to repair it.  I asked him if he knew Santa Claus!

Our final stop was "Hilltop Boilers." Here they still use the old fashioned metal sap buckets. A tractor pulls a wagon through the woods, and they empty each bucket into a bigger container. Healthy exercise!

We traveled into Newfield town center and discovered this quaint little post office.  Now this place is just my speed!  I wanted to buy some stamps but of course it's closed on Sundays.   By now I was one tired little puppy, and all the way home I slept like a log.  I was happy that Marcus and Mary bought some maple syrup which I have been enjoying every day on my BIG DOG PANCAKES. (recipe coming!)  Please come and visit me soon!   PEACE& LOVE & HUGS.....BIG DOG!!!

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